Tell a portfolio-wide growth story

In any investment portfolio — whether startups or established businesses — some will thrive while others fail to survive.

To narrow the range of outcomes, ensure all investments are focused on achieving the right growth opportunity.

For early companies, the initial founding assumptions may be invalid and a pivot is required. For established companies, the core product may be fully developed but the market is saturated so there's no clear path to growth.

In both cases, we help investors reorient their businesses towards problems worth solving to renew a sense of purpose and begin a new growth story.

"In working with a few of our portfolio companies, I’ve seen Sightglass dissect problems and bring additional perspective to the table, saving founders a lot of time and missteps. Of course, when you’re scaling a company, you will inevitably hit a few potholes, but the more you know, the better you can navigate."

Allison Myers, Co-Founder & General Partner, Buoyant Ventures